The Unmistakable Signs of Genuine Motivation
The right motivation shows up. In every of your movements. You know it when you see it.

The simple truth behind how to excel is really the right motivation. You know it when you see it.
Investor Graham Duncan describes it well below:
"[Tennis champion] Novak Djokovic said in an interview with the Financial Times that "I can carry on playing at this level because I like hitting the tennis ball." The interviewer replied in surprise: "Are there really players who don't like hitting the ball?" Djokovic answered, "Oh yes. There are people out there who don't have the right motivation. You don't need to talk to them. I can see it."
If you can find the thing you do for its own sake, the compulsive piece of your process, and dial that up and up, beyond the imaginary ceiling for that activity you may be creating, my experience is the world comes to you for that thing and you massively outperform the others who don't actually like hitting that particular ball. I think the rest of career advice is commentary on this essential truth."
This is not just about career advice. This is true in all aspects - life and business. You have to really want it for yourself - to want to excel because you believe you can make a difference in an area that no one else can make. Because you can see opportunities that others don't.
And not because you are chased by someone else' vision and feel compelled to react to it.
If you can find the thing you are attracted to and orient yourself around it and compulsively dial up the search for being better - because of the joy of doing a better job and not because I am being by a demon that says "you are a piece of crap" .
Eventually, your shine will come through and you will find that the world will come to you for that thing and you will massively outperform others who don't actually like being in that game.
It's not about setting goals or habits or following some self-help guru so that you can be less distracted to accomplish the achievement quicker. The simple truth is you have to care enough. And your body will follow the mind, no matter the circumstances.
It's really as simple as that.
A quote I have been pondering on:
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